Covid 19 and Saddle Fitting

COVID-19 and Sue Carson Saddles

The comfort and welfare of our horses, and mental wellbeing of the riders we work with , is of the highest priority to us, and as such we WILL be out fitting saddles, we have taken huge precautions and feel that we are acting with upmost responsibility.
We WILL be able to supply both NEW and Second Hand Saddles as well as refitting your current saddle to ensure perfect fit.

Please check the documents below and our risk assesments so that you can have peace of mind if you need your saddle fitter in the near future.

Below is a copy of all relevant paper work and procedure that we have in place. We aim to be as transparent as possible but will always welcome discussion if you have any further questions we need to answer.

Sue Carson Saddles Risk Assessments for COVID-19 safety
Sue Carson Saddles - Saddle fitters guide – operating procedures
Protecting yourself during Coronavirus (Coved 19)


These are exceptional circumstances the industry finds ourselves and our clients in.
The industry must comply with the latest Government advise on Coved 19 at all times.
Therefore, these   Standard Operating Procedures (SOP’s) are correct at the time of printing but need to be reviewed regularly in accordance with the advice given.
These Standard operating procedures (SOP’S) are based on Public Health England (PHE) guidance; other restrictions may apply in Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. Please inform yourself of any differences from the relevant websites, if travel is required to any other country other than England.

Where fitters are required to enter people’s homes, they should follow the PHE guidelines, if they are not already implementing the measures set out in PHE. Fitters are required to make themselves familiar with this guidance.

The HSE is the relevant enforcing authority for the PHE guidelines. This is what this SOP is based on.

Operating during the Covid19 pandemic SCS needs to ensure that they are protecting themselves and minimizing the risk of spreading the infection. This will mean you may have alter and change the way you currently travel to and from yards, planning of visits, operations and fitting on site , food and water whilst away from home and any overnight stays that you may require.

This guidance is intended to introduce consistent measures for all fitters and clients in line with the government’s recommendations on social distancing.  It is everyone’s responsibility under the health and safety at work act to make every effort to comply. Failure to do so by the clients should be reported back to head office and activities should not continue at that site until after the pandemic or government restrictions are removed.

PHE guidance states: “ where it is not possible to follow social distancing guidance in full, in relation to particular activity, you should consider whether the activity needs to continue and if so, take mitigating actions possible to reduce the risk of transmission “
this would be in the form of additional PPE or actions appropriate as detailed in this SOP.

The health and safety requirements of fitting a saddle must not be compromised at this time, if any activity cannot be undertaken safely, it should not take place and a full report be sent back to head office as to why this occurred.

Emergency services are also under great pressure and may not be able to respond as quickly as usual, this should be taken into consideration in planning of work activities, first aid, fire and emergency responses.
SCS would like to remind you that this Standard Operating Procedure is aimed at protecting everyone, themselves, their colleagues, clients, families and the UK population.

Driving for work
The secretary of state and business- stated on 31 March 2020
“ that whenever possible, people should work from home, however, we recognize that may people working in construction and other jobs, are required to travel to their place of work and they can continue to do so, as this is consistent with the Chief medical officers advice”
It is important that everyone understands and follows the following guidelines.

Social distancing
Fitters and clients must always observe the social distancing advice, or additional measures should be brought into action.
Anyone showing any of the following symptoms or is within 14 days of a member of their household showing the symptoms should not go to work but must follow self-isolation guidance:
•    Unusual tiredness
•    Fever or high temperature
•    Dry cough
•    Aches
•    Pains
•    Nasal congestion
•    Runny nose
•    Sore throat
•    Diarrhea

Persons at increased risk
Anyone who has been advised by the doctor that they are at an increased risk should not go to work. Any client that is also in this category, it is not advisable that the fitter undertakes the fitting at this time (to be advised by the client) or additional measures should be in place at all times during the fitting
Persons defined on medical grounds as extremely vulnerable    Anyone identified in this category has been advised by the doctor and must follow the guidance on shielding and protecting extremely vulnerable people.
No fitting should take place at this time until clearance is given from the government that all restrictions are lifted

Living with a person in one of the groups above
Anyone living with anyone in the above group is in increased risk should follow stringently the guidance on social distancing and minimize contact outside the home. It is not recommended that a fitting take place at this time.
This needs to be advised by the client that they or someone they live with is in this group

If someone falls ill
If you fall ill, or display any of the symptoms above you should:
•    Ensure the office is informed immediately
•    Return home immediately
•    Avoid touching anything
•    Follow guidance on self-isolation before returning to work.

Important points to remember
•    Always travel alone in the company vehicle.
•    The vehicle should be cleaned regularly, using gloves and standard cleaning products, playing particular attention to the wheel, handles and areas that anyone cold of had contact with.
•    Limit or minimize the volume of clients visited in one day
•    Allow and plan for additional time for hand washing, applying protective measure to yourself and the stock
•    Visits should only be made to existing yards, where you are aware of the set up to ensure social distancing takes place. Any new yards/ clients requesting a visit, should only be agreed to during this time after an individual risk assessment of the yard has taken place, based on the details given by the client in accordance with this SOP.
•    Plan the journey to minimize travel time on the road, stay in the vehicle whenever possible.
•    Minimize times of refilling, if possible, use the same service station (close to home). Gloves worn at the services wipes used on any areas touched on the vehicle and used PPE to be disposed of appropriately.
•    Keep a record of areas visited including service stations/ stops / food if purchased away from home- in case of tracking back where the virus was contracted. (this may be useful)
•    On arrival at the yard, consider parking arrangements for any other additional vehicles that may be there already or that may be arriving during your visit.
•    In the case of break down or other issue avoid public transport at all cost if possible.
•    Hand washing facilities should be made available at all yards visited with soap and water whenever possible for the fitter and hands washed on entering. If this is not possible at the yard, hand sanitizer should be a carried and used and then surgical glove to be worn whilst at that yard and dealing with the client.
•    Hand sanitizer should be minimum of 60% alcohol based to be effective.
•    The Client has a responsibility to ensure that there are always adequate supplies of soap and water whilst the fitter is on site and that the area is clean.  If this is not found to be the case the fitter should request san area and report back to head office. By agreeing to the fitting, the client has a responsibility to supply this.

Toilet facilities
•    Wash / sanitize hands before and after using the facilities
•     Apply a clean pair of gloves.
•    Dispose of used gloves appropriately
•    Avoid portable toilets whenever possible

Food and Drink
•    It is advisable to take your own mug/ flask/ drinks bottle to the yard.
•    Disposable cups, crockery and utensils are also acceptable.
•    It is preferable that you would take your own food and drink from home whenever possible.

Work Planning
The social distancing rule must always be observed whenever possible, or additional measures and PPE should be used

•    Fitters who are not well should not travel or attend work and visits.
•    Specified areas, of limited or no traffic should be designated for the fitting by the yard
•    Fittings should take place in an open outdoor school whenever possible
•    Maintain social distancing
•    Client to bring horse with bridle on to specified area for fitter ready for measuring and fitting
•    Fitter to wipe over any existing saddle/ girth before touching and altering
•    Fitter to place on the horse and tighten girth ready for the client
•    New saddles, identify types required, can be placed safely against van or wall for client to view/ discuss.
•    Saddles to be wiped before returning to van along with all items used during the fitting

•    When social distancing cannot be applied, fitter should take additional measures i.e. Mask can be worn by fitter and/or client
•    When checking the clearance on the saddle gullet- fitter to stand at the front of the saddle and client to look behind them at all times until instructed by fitter to do otherwise.
•    When checking or pumping the airbags, fitter to be at the back of the horse and client must remain looking forward until instructed to not do so.
•    If applying new blocks to the saddle- this can be done under instruction from the fitter to the client in order to place, then correctly
•    In addition to this both fitter and client could wear masks if deemed necessary and appropriate as not able to maintain the social distancing rule and client requires help with blocks, or limited movement to face away from the fitter as requested.
•    Ensure visits are not at the same time as other service providers (feed merchants/farriers/vets) and at quiet times on the yard when lower numbers of staff or people are on the yard whenever possible.

•    If working within the social distancing rule, limit this to 15 minutes maximum and apply PPE (face mask) is strongly recommended

•    To be used as appropriately by both the fitter and the client to protect both the fitter and the client, especially where social distancing requirement cannot be met.
•    All items to be wiped if the client has touched then (blocks/saddle) before fitter touches them.
•    Single use PPE should be disposed of appropriately and not re used

•    The measures necessary to minimize the risk of the spread of the infection need to be observed by everyone, and as so we are all responsible for our own actions in the fight against Covid19.
•    This infection is spread through droplets of nasal discharge, coughing and on contact surfaces on everything you touch, be mindful of this at all times.
•    SCS encourages an open and collaborate approach in the fight against this virus and any issues can be openly discussed and addressed appropriately

During this time, the client should be made aware that it is preferred by SCS that payment be made by BACS/ card payment/ Prepaid via the office.
Cash/ cheque payments is not a preferred option at this time due to limitations of the banks currently not accepting cash deposits.
If payment must be made in cash, this should be counted out in front of the fitter and the placed in a sealed envelope and presented to the fitter as so.

First aid and emergency service response
The primary responsibility of first aid is to preserve life and first aid should be administered if you are required to do so until the emergency services attend.
•    Consideration must also be given to the fact there may be potential delays in emergency responses due to the current climate.
•    Ensure you advise the office if you have been involved in a first aid incident whilst fitting.

Enhanced cleaning procedures should be in place during this time particularly in communal areas at touch points:

Be aware of
•    Taps and washing facilities
•    Toilet flush and seats
•    Doors, handles
•    Saddles, blocks, girths
•    Fitting items: template, pens, iPad, paperwork, payment devices, telephone if used whilst on the yard and briefcase.
•    Van door handles etc.
Ensure that any item taken out of the van is thoroughly wiped before returning it to the van
(Classed as a sterile area) and to avoid cross contamination to sterile items inside the van.

•    Boots/shoes / footwear should be sprayed or dipped before getting back into the van.
•    Any PPE removed and disposed of appropriately before getting into the van and leaving the yard.

Article in Horse and Hound Magazine dated 23/04/2020
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